Cardsone Comic Book Rating System
Cardsone cares and wants your comic book collecting experience to be enjoyable. Due to the recent trend of comic book authors and artists to fashion comic books for teen and adult collectors, Cardsone wants to help our customers distinguish our sales ads that contain mature-age comic books. By implementing a rating system, we hope to aid in the prevention of mature comic books getting into the hands of younger readers. To achieve this, we have labeled our comic book sales ads with a simple comic book code. This code is to help our customers distinguish our "All Age" comic book sales ads from our ads that may contain age-appropriate comics. The most effective way to keep age-appropriate comics out of younger reader’s hands is for our adult customers to check each comic book they purchase for content before letting a younger reader view the comic book. Some publishers will include their own code in the front of a comic book. These labels may include "Suggested for Mature Readers," "Teen +," and "Adults Only." These comic book cover labels are another good reference when determining if a comic book is appropriate for younger readers. Our comic book code is only a tool to help distinguish adult-appropriate comics from family-friendly comics. When buying comic books, or sharing your comic books with younger readers, you, our adult customers, have the final say on what comic books are appropriate and inappropriate for your younger readers. A safe and mature approach to collecting and reading comic books will make this hobby fun for all ages.
Following is a list of our rating system:
FF……. Family Friendly ……. All Ages Can Enjoy
TF…… Teen Friendly…….. Suggested Age 13 and Above
ATF…. Advance Teen Friendly ….. Suggested Age 16 and Above
SAF….. Suggested Adult Friendly ….. Suggested Age 18 and Above
You can check out all the comics we have at